Disponible Logic Pro 10.1.1

Jordi Torres mod
#1 por Jordi Torres el 27/02/2015
Han arreglado unos cuantos bugs importantes, entre ellos (de momento en inglés):

Pre-fader sends no longer affected by VCA faders
VoiceOver can once again access audio channels as well as the track header volume/pan controls
Brush Tool no longer gets stuck in fixed pitch mode when selected after using the Pencil Tool
Resolves an issue that could cause the Download Manager to appear empty
Additional bug fixes and stability improvements


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Mr. Nobody
#2 por Mr. Nobody el 27/02/2015
:tambor: :flores:
Jordi Torres mod
#3 por Jordi Torres el 27/02/2015
Aquí la lista de mejoras completa (en inglés):

Logic Pro X 10.1.1 update http://support.apple.com/en-us/TS4498

Stability and performance
Logic no longer sometimes stops responding when you open it with Euphonix control surfaces installed
Resolves an issue that could cause the Download Manager to appear empty
Logic no longer sometimes quits unexpectedly when you use Izotope RX4 as external audio editor

Main window
Disabling Automation view in the Main window no longer causes region-based automation that has been switched off to playback unexpectedly
Click-holding a region now immediately brings up the Region Info window
It is again possible to split a take region with the Scissors tool
Editing automation during playback now works properly in projects that start before 1 1 1 1
Writing automation for send mutes now works as expected
The cursor keys on control surfaces no longer sometimes trigger unexpected key commands
Region based automation for all Smart Control parameters now displays reliably
Logic now displays the tempo correctly when the Display Tempo As preference is set to "Frames Per Click with Decimals," or "Frames Per Click with Eighths," and the frame rate is 50, 59.94, or 60 fps
Audio tracks edited with Melodyne in songs that originated in Logic Pro 9 now play back in sync
Logic Screensets that include only plug-in windows work as expected again
MIDI regions recorded in Cycle mode no longer sometimes have a measure before the start position of the recording when the first note is performed within the Cycle Pre-processing time before the downbeat
The "Beats from Region" function works as expected again
Logic no longer outputs an audio pop when switching between certain patches

Deleting fader events for region based automation in the Event List editor now properly removes the interpolation events between them
Clicking the plus button in the Sysex Fader editor again adds events as expected
All audio take regions now reliably display in the Track Editor
The Brush Tool no longer gets stuck in fixed pitch mode when selected after using the Pencil Tool
While using the Brush tool, pressing Shift while pressing the mouse button no longer erases the recently brushed notes
There is now an option "Snap MIDI Draw and Automation” in the Piano Roll Snap menu
Auto Set Locators no longer improperly follows note selections inside of regions
The Toggle Loop trigger setting in Touch Tracks again works as expected
The Piano Roll now reliably opens with the visible area showing the notes contained in the selected region
Undo now reliably works after moving events in the Piano Roll
Looping regions with Show Drum Names enabled in the Piano Roll no longer causes notes to transpose unexpectedly
Muted notes in the Piano Roll no longer play when clicked
Scale Quantize no longer sometimes moves notes that are already in the selected key
Touching the Ruler in the Piano Roll with a rubber band selection no longer causes visible Time Frame handles to move to the wrong position
MIDI events clicked in the Piano Roll now output on their set MIDI channel as expected
The “Delete and Select Next Event” key command now works properly in the Piano Roll
Using the right/left arrow keys now reliably triggers notes in the Piano Roll when a different track is selected in the Main window
On/Off buttons in the Environment again operate correctly with a short mouse click
Environment cabling is now reliably maintained when importing Environment layers not a project
The Note Head menu in the Environment Mapped Instrument editor is no longer empty
MIDI Draw automation points now follow the mouse as expected when editing in an independent Piano Roll window

Pre-fader sends are no longer affected by VCA fader changes
Replacing Drum Kit Designer with Drum Machine Designer on a Drummer track channel strip no longer converts the track to a Software Instrument track
Audio Device controls no longer sometimes display non-functional buttons for the attached audio interface
Undoing the deletion of a channel strip in the Mixer no longer leaves the channel strip in a non-functional state

Changing the Knee value in the Platinum Compressor no longer causes unexpected changes in sound and metering when switching to the Classic VCA Compressor model
Multimeter plug-in instances saved in previous versions of Logic now load with the correct settings
Logic Remote and Controls view in Logic Pro no longer show the RMS/Peak controls for the Compressor models that do not support RMS/Peak
Songs using Lexicon PCM Native bundle plug-ins no longer exhibit audio artifacts when played back

VoiceOver can once again access audio channels as well as the track header volume and pan controls

Control Surfaces
Channel names now update correctly on control surfaces when opening or clos track stacks in Logic
Logic Remote again reliably connects to Logic Pro X at launch when you set the Startup Action to “Ask" in Logic Pro
EuCon Artist control surfaces can again control a channel’s send level in Logic
Mr. Nobody
#4 por Mr. Nobody el 27/02/2015
Yo creo que el manual nuevo estara al caer... porque de notas uno no vive... y con tanto cambio!
Jordi Torres mod
#5 por Jordi Torres el 27/02/2015
#4 Los manuales actualizados han estado disponibles desde el 22 de enero desde el ibooks store. Lo único que al principio estuvieron disponibles solo en el ibooks store de estados unidos y solo en inglés. Por lo que veo ya están también disponibles en el ibook store español en Inglés, Castellano, Alemán, Francés y Japonés!

Mr. Nobody
#6 por Mr. Nobody el 27/02/2015

Estuve ojeando el Ibooks Store y si no he entendido mal, solo es accesible desde Ipad no?... No soy capaz de rescatar un pdf normal desde OSX...
Jordi Torres mod
#7 por Jordi Torres el 27/02/2015
AΩ escribió:
solo es accesible desde Ipad no?


#8 por estereorradian el 28/02/2015
Yo esperare que saquen el de Anaya que el ingles me da algo de pereza :p
Mr. Nobody
#9 por Mr. Nobody el 28/02/2015

Estan en castellano...
Jordi Torres mod
#10 por Jordi Torres el 28/02/2015
Nuestro hilo de manuales ha sido actualizado:



#11 por Leadwork el 04/03/2015
Jordi ahora las notas silenciadas no suenan jajaja, como nos la dieron los de apple eee!! :cuernos: :platano: :bananaguit:
Jordi Torres mod
#12 por Jordi Torres el 04/03/2015
#11 Asi es, ya te había avisado por aquí hace unos días:


Esto prueba que los desarrolladores de Logic leen lo que se les envía mediante esta web:


Algunos de los bugs que notifiqué por ahí fueron eliminados en la última actualización.


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