M-audio projectmix - drivers para linux?

#1 por ZELOMI el 02/11/2007
He comprado una POJECTMIX de M-AUDIO y actualmente trabajo en Windows pero estoy pensandome el cambio a Linux...¿Existen drivers para mi tarjeta? Muchas gracias y Salu2
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#2 por jnoir el 03/11/2007
Según podemos leer en http://music.columbia.edu/pipermail/linux-audio-user/2007-April.txt:

Alguien escribió:

ljc@internet.com.uy wrote:
> hello list,
> yet another question about sound cards...
> i want to buy a card for my new laptop. it doesn't have pcmcia, so i
> need a firewire or usb card. i want 8 analog outputs, but i'm not
> interested in many inputs, two is just fine. midi i/o would be very
> welcome.
> i found that the general layout of the m-audio firewire 410 is exactly
> what i'm looking for, but i searched a bit and i found out it's not
> supported by freebob.
> can anyone recommend a card with similar specs to the firewire 410
> that's compatible with linux? does anyone know if the 410 might be
> supported in the future?

Regarding device support, the stuff I can vouch for at the moment
because we have them to test with is:
- Terratec Phase88
- ESI Quatafire 610
- Edirol FA-101, FA-66

A more elaborate list of (future) device support:

Devices that should work:
- Terratec Phase88, Phase 24, Phase X24, EWS Mic2, EWS Mic8
- ESI Quatafire 610
- Edirol FA-101, FA-66

Device that might work (no vendor support yet):
- Focusrite Saffire, Saffire LE, Saffire Pro10, Saffire Pro26
- PreSonus FireBox, FirePod
- Apogee Rosetta, AD-16X, DA-16X (with FireWire expansion)
- PrismSound Orpheus
- iCON devices
- M-Audio FireWire Solo, Ozonic
- CME UF-400e expansion
- PrismSound: ADA-8XR
- Phonic mixers
- Stanton FinalScratch 2 audio interface

Devices that will probably be supported in the next version:
- PreSonus: Inspire 1394, FireStudio, FireStudio Lightpipe (*)
- TC Electronics: Konnekt 24D, Konnekt 8, Konnekt Live (*)
- Alesis: FireWire range (**)
- Metric Halo devices (**)
- Apogee: FireWire range (***)
- PrismSound: FireWire range (***)
- MotU: 828mkII, Traveller (****)

(*) Contacts are made, and are very positive
(**) Contacts are made, are positive but we still have to see
(***) Contacts are made, are moderately positive, to be seen
(****) Reverse engineered, not recommended to buy this.

Unclear at the moment:
- Echo Audio devices
- Behringer FCA202
- mLAN device
- M-Audio NRV10, ProjectMix I/O

Devices that will probably not be supported soon:
- Any RME FireWire device
- M-Audio 410, M-Audio 1814
- Hercules 16/12 FW

On another matter, chances are that the SSL Duende processing unit will
be supported too.

This list is not complete, but tries to give an overview. We're going to
provide an updated device support list on the website soon.

One important thing to note is that some device vendors use different
chipsets for different devices, making that it's not because one of
their devices works, the others will.



Para los menos hábiles con la lengua de Poe, dice que, a fecha de Abril, el soporte para ese dispositivo no está claro debido a que no hay ninguna ayuda por parte del fabricante. Dá más información, si alguien tiene interés lo traduzco.
#3 por ZELOMI el 05/11/2007
Muchas gracias no habia encontrado ninguna info por ahi...Pues nada, a esperar.
#4 por TheFlowerKing el 05/11/2007
Suele ser difícil (si no omposible) hacer funcionar los productos M-Audio bajo linux. Te lo digo por experiencia propia y por lo que se lee por esos foros de Dios.
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