Delta 1010LT 10-In/10-Out PCI o NI Audio 8 ?

#1 por marco el 15/01/2011
Hola, feliz año a todos,

Tengo una duda y me gustaria saber vuestra opinión :)
La questión és que yo tenia una Delta 1010LT 10-In/10-Out en un Pc desde ya hace unos años, y luego me pase a mac y estuve usando una Audio 8 de Native Instruments y ahora recientemente he adquirido un mac de torre y me pregunto si me conviene más ponerle la M-Audio Interna o seguir con la Audio8 un usb. Me interesa sobretodo el buen sonido y la estabilidad más que el numero de entradas/salidas.

Muchas gracias por vuestro tiempo, espero que alguien que sepa más de interfaces me pueda aconsejar.
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#2 por marco el 15/01/2011
Por internet he encontrado esto...

PCI first, Firewire second, USB dead last.

Advantages/disadvantages of USB:
Significantly higher CPU load than FireWire or PCI.
More prone to dropouts because all of the data copying is done without the benefit of true DMA (unlike FireWire or PCI) by the already-taxed CPU. It only has to get behind a little bit to totally hose things.
Significantly higher CPU load than FireWire or PCI.
Limited number of channels. It isn't a very good idea to go above two, and eight is right at the limit of usable.
Significantly higher CPU load than FireWire or PCI.
Slightly higher latency than FireWire even if all other things like buffer size are equal.
Significantly higher CPU load than FireWire or PCI.
Buffer size might need to be higher on slower CPUs due to lack of DMA.
Significantly higher CPU load than FireWire or PCI.
Lots of cases where the isoch pipe can go away.
Significantly higher CPU load than FireWire or PCI.
Lots and lots of buggy USB devices that don't properly conform to the USB Audio Class spec and thus often don't quite work consistently.
Did I mention that it has significantly higher CPU load than FireWire or PCI?
Limited power availability means no possibility of a bus-powered interface with usable phantom power.
Oh, yes, and significantly higher CPU load than FireWire or PCI

Dicen que por el ancho de banda, ahorra igual que las firewire algo de Cpu..

No se, vosotros, que pensais, es que la audio 8 da esa impresión de que suena tan bien!! -_-'
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