DSI Pro 2

Johnny G
#1 por Johnny G el 19/06/2014
Nuevo sintetizador de Dave Smith

Imagen no disponible

Four DSP-based oscillators plus one sine wave sub oscillator
Four classic wave shapes (saw, square, triangle, sine) per oscillator
Twelve selectable complex shapes per oscillator
13 Superwaves
Three noise types per oscillator: white, pink, violet
Shape modulation/pulse width/superwave detune amount
Oscillator cross modulation: frequency modulation (FM) and amplitude modulation (AM)
Hard sync, individual Glide, Oscillator Slop

Paraphonic Playability
True 4-voice paraphonic mode with individually-gated envelopes per oscillator

Character Effects
Five high-quality digital effects. Thicken the signal and add harmonics or completely destroy the signal pre-filter.
Girth and Air are high and low shelf equalizers with harmonic excitement. Useful for thickening and/or adding air to the signal.
Hack and Decimate are sample and bit rate reduction algorithms which can add subtle grit or completely trash the signal. It's harsh yet musical.
Drive is a soft saturator for adding soft distortion and harmonic content to the signal

Dual analog filters operate in serial or parallel
Filter 1 is a 4-pole resonant analog low-pass filter inspired by the original Prophet-5 filter.
Filter 2 is a 2-pole resonant analog state-variable filter inspired by the Oberheim SEM filter and can be continuously varied between low-pass, notch, and high-pass operation, with an optional band-pass mode.
Oscillator Split allows oscillators 1 & 2 to be sent to Filter 1 and oscillators 3 & 4 to Filter 2.

Feedback and Delay
Tuned Feedback
Three-tap syncable delay with feedback and amount controls, pan, and high-pass and low-pass filtering, all per delay. A separate fourth delay is a digital bucket-brigade delay (BBD) for analog-style effects.

Five Delay + ADSR envelopes (Filter 1, Filter 2, VCA , and two Auxiliary envelopes)
Auxiliary envelopes 4 and 5 freely assignable to multiple modulation destinations
All envelopes can repeat/loop

Four syncable LFOs with phase offset and slew per LFO

16 x 2 modulation matrix with over 50 mod sources and over 140 mod destinations
Parameters that can be sent to CV outputs include oscillators, LFOs, envelopes, sequencer tracks and any other source within the modulation matrix. Runs up to audio rates.
Gate Out for triggering external CV-compatible devices; any CV in can be used as a gate input.

Control Voltage Ins & Outs and Gate Out
Four 1-volt-per-octave control voltage inputs and outputs for interfacing with modular synths and other CV-compatible devices
Modulation assignment buttons enable quick and easy modulation routing.
Mod Matrix runs up to audio rates.

Advanced step sequencer provides up to 32 steps per sequence and up to 16 tracks.
Supports real-time input, rests, and variable-length sequences
Syncs to MIDI clock and external audio and CV input
Sequences can control not only oscillator pitch but any parameter in the modulation matrix.

Sophisticated arpeggiator with up, down, up+down, random, assign modes
Supports real-time input, rests, and variable-length sequences
Re-latching arpeggiation

Programmable Distortion
Stereo analog distortion

More than 50 knobs and 65 buttons enable deep and comprehensive editing with minimal menu diving.
Backlit pitch and mod wheels are easily visible in low-light situations and have a smooth yet precise feel and response.
Independently adjustable upper and lower pitch wheel range
Two assignable position- and pressure-sensitive latchable touch sliders for enhanced interactivity and control
Full-sized, three-and-a-half-octave, semi-weighted keyboard with velocity and aftertouch

396 user and 396 factory programs
Playlist mode for generating easily accessible setlists of your favorite programs

1 MIDI In, 1 MIDI out, and 1 MIDI Thru/Out 2 port
USB port for bidirectional MIDI communication
4 CV inputs (4 x 1/8" jack)
4 CV outputs (4 x 1/8" jack)
1 Gate Out (1/8" jack))
1 Sustain/footswitch input
1 expression pedal input
1 external audio input (1/4" phone jack)
Main stereo output (2 x 1/4" phone jack)
Headphone out (stereo 1/4" phone jack)

1 universal IEC AC power inlet for internal power supply
Operates worldwide on voltages between 100-240v, 50-60Hz, 30 watts maximum power consumption
Physical Specs
Walnut end panels and trim
Dimensions: approximately 29.2" L x 12.8" W x 4.15" H (74.2 cm x 32.5 cm x 10.5 cm)
Weight: 18.7 lbs (8.5 kg)


One Voice to Rule Them All
Dave Smith calls the Pro 2 his “most powerful mono synth ever.” It shares the same exceptional ergonomics and playability as its 12-voice sibling, the Prophet 12, but carves out distinctly different sonic territory with an all-new dual analog filter architecture, a monster step sequencer, superwaves, digital bucket-brigade delay, and a lot more. Nothing else sounds like it and nothing else performs like it. The Pro 2 raises the bar for mono synths and redefines the word “fat.”

A New Classic for a New Generation
The Pro 2 is a fusion of classic analog synthesizer design and cutting-edge digital technology. It boasts four high-resolution digital oscillators, plus a sub oscillator. The oscillators produce both classic and complex wave shapes and can frequency and amplitude modulate each other in any operator and modulator configurations you choose for harmonically-rich FM and AM sounds. A set of Character controls adds high and low frequency boost, bit and sample rate reduction, and tape saturation emulation to the Pro 2's sonic palette.

Two New Filters Based On Vintage Designs
At the heart of the Pro 2's gutsy sound is its all-new dual filter design. Filter 1 is a 4-pole low-pass design inspired by the original Prophet-5 filter. Filter 2 is a state-variable design inspired by the Oberheim SEM and can be continuously varied between low-pass, notch, and high-pass operation, with an optional band-pass mode. The two filters function in either serial or parallel, or anywhere in between. Two of the four oscillators can be routed through Filter 1 with the other two routed through Filter 2 for a broad range of tonal possibilities.

Advanced Sequencing
One of the most exciting features of the Pro 2 is its sequencer—possibly the most powerful step sequencer ever designed for a synth. With up to 32 steps and 16 tracks, it provides real-time input, rests, and variable-length sequences. It also syncs to MIDI clock and external audio input. Sequence tracks can control any parameter in the Pro 2's extensive modulation matrix.

Plays Well With Modulars
The Pro 2's flexible architecture opens the door to not only processing external audio, but also to interfacing with modular synths through its 4 rear-panel control voltage inputs and outputs and a dedicated gate output. Control voltages can be assigned and routed from within the modulation matrix and can run at audio rates for extreme modulation effects. Some of the many parameters that can be sent to the CV outputs include oscillators, LFOs, envelopes, and sequencer tracks, making the Pro 2 a natural choice for the center of your studio or live setup.

Delays, Envelopes, LFOs, Arpeggiator, and a Multitude of Modulation
The Pro 2's delay section provides three digital delays with pan, and high-pass and low-pass filtering controls. A fourth delay is a digital bucket-brigade delay (BBD) for analog-style effects. There are four loopable five-stage envelope generators, four syncable LFOs with slew and phase offset, a full-featured arpeggiator, and a sixteen slot modulation matrix with dozens of modulation sources and destinations.

Monophonic by Design, Paraphonic by Choice
The Pro 2 was designed primarily as a super-powerful monosynth, but it’s also a true, four-voice paraphonic synth that allows you to control each of its four oscillators individually with their own envelope. This makes playing four-note chords not only possible, but very expressive.

Package all of this power in a three-and-a-half octave, semi-weighted keyboard with velocity and channel aftertouch, add two backlit pitch and mod wheels and two location and pressure sensitive touch sliders, and you've got one of the most feature-rich, awe-inspiring synthesizers ever created.
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#2 por critical el 19/06/2014
Johnny G
#3 por Johnny G el 19/06/2014
Completito el bicho...
#4 por critical el 19/06/2014
Me temo que Dave se pasará con el precio, para variar... Veremos...
#5 por Jovihu el 19/06/2014
Suena muy muy bien y es súper completo! Pero... 1999 dólares!!
#6 por Jovihu el 19/06/2014
Realmente ha sacado algo impresionante y súper versátil!
Soundprogramer mod
#7 por Soundprogramer el 19/06/2014
Yo solo tengo un par de reseñas sobre el instrumento:
Primero que le veo un precio de salida muy cercano al P12 y eso no creo que juegue a su favor.
Supongo bajará de precio y se ajustará un poco más entorno a los 1500€. Que ya es un precio
alto pero vamos.. para lo que hace creo que se puede aceptar. Muy completo en caracteristicas .

Lo segundo es que la estética debería de haber sido algo diferente a la del P12.
Si bién está basado en el hermano mayor pues con ese nombre Pro 2 se debería haber acercado
más a una estética algo diferenciada en colores y linea de diseño. Supongo quieren aprovechar
parte de las piezas y diseño del P12 para rentabilizar el producto, pero repito si hubiera tenido
otro toque hubiera sido más acertado. Del reto poco que decir y las características hablan por
si mismas.
Johnny G
#8 por Johnny G el 21/06/2014

"The Pro-2 will go on sale in late July, priced at $1,999. Expect that to translate to somewhere in the region of £1,400/€1,600 in Europe."

Fuente: attackmagazine
#9 por Jovihu el 21/06/2014
#8 disculpad el off topic, pero qué gran página attack magazine. La descubrí hará un año por la sección "my studio" y es de esas páginas de de visita obligada hoy día
#10 por Jovihu el 21/06/2014
Y hablando ya del Pro2, a mi parecer 1600 es un precio muy elevado
#11 por TEExpress el 22/06/2014
Jovihu escribió:
qué gran página attack magazine

Diculpas de nuevo por el off.topic, pero .. ¡gracias por el descubrimiento!
#12 por chembros el 29/06/2014
En thomann al modico precio de 1800 euros, casi na pal cuerpo!!!!

a ver si salen mas videos del mfb dominion 1 i veremos k hacemos xD
#13 por TEExpress el 05/07/2014
Patches y demo

#14 por Kurzleader el 01/08/2014
calentitos recien salidos del horno

#15 por TEExpress el 02/08/2014
Algunos dando envidia :-x

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