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#9031 por Wikter hace 2 semanas
#9030 Existe la Airwindopedia, donde se explica el funcionamiento de cada uno. Son algunos más a nivel funcional pero algunos van emparejados, otros son actualizaciones y muchos son variaciones que se engloban bajo un único plug-in. En cualquier caso, la lista es extensa y la lectura es densa...
Por ejemplo, la lista de dithers: 22 tipos de dithers (locurón)
El listado clasificado es éste:
Alguien escribió:
Ambience: ClearCoat, TapeDelay2, Doublelay, PitchDelay, SampleDelay, BrightAmbience3, TripleSpread, Melt, MV2, MV, ADT, kChamberAR, StereoChorus, PurestEcho, TapeDelay, StarChild2, StarChild, Hombre, BrightAmbience2, BrightAmbience, StereoEnsemble, StereoDoubler, Chorus, ChorusEnsemble, Ensemble

Amp Sims: GrindAmp, FireAmp, LeadAmp, CrickBass, LilAmp, MidAmp, BigAmp, Cabs, BassDrive, BassAmp

Bass: OrbitKick, Hermepass, BassKit, DubCenter, DubSub, Floor, Infrasonic, FathomFive

Biquads: BiquadNonLin, BiquadPlus, Biquad, BiquadDouble, BiquadOneHalf, BiquadTriple, Biquad2

Brightness: Air3, PlatinumSlew, DeBess, GoldenSlew, Sinew, SlewSonic, Acceleration2, DeEss, Smooth, EverySlew, Slew3, Slew2, Slew, Air2, Air, PurestAir, Acceleration, DeHiss, Hypersonic, HypersonX, Ultrasonic, UltrasonicLite, UltrasonicMed, UltrasonX

Clipping: ClipOnly2, ADClip8, ClipSoftly, OneCornerClip, ADClip7, AQuickVoiceClip, ClipOnly, FinalClip

Consoles: ConsoleLABuss, ConsoleLAChannel, ConsoleMCBuss, ConsoleMCChannel, ConsoleMDBuss, ConsoleMDChannel, Console8LiteChannel, Console8LiteBuss, Console8BussHype, Console8BussIn, Console8BussOut, Console8ChannelHype, Console8ChannelIn, Console8ChannelOut, Console8SubHype, Console8SubIn, Console8SubOut, Console0Channel, Console0Buss, PurestConsole3Buss, PurestConsole3Channel, PurestConsole2Buss, PurestConsole2Channel, Console7Buss, Console7Channel, Console7Cascade, Console7Crunch, PurestConsoleBuss, PurestConsoleChannel,Console6Buss, Console6Channel, PDBuss, PDChannel, Console5Buss, Console5Channel, Console5DarkCh, C5RawBuss, C5RawChannel, AtmosphereBuss, AtmosphereChannel, Console4Buss, Console4Channel, EveryConsole

Distortion: Distortion, Edge, Dirt, Mackity, ZOutputStage, Density2, Density, Drive, Loud, Hard Vacuum, HighImpact, MultiBandDistortion

Dithers: Dark, PaulWide, PaulDither, TPDFWide, TPDFDither, NotJustAnotherDither, NotJustAnotherCD, Beam, TapeDither, SpatializeDither, VinylDither, DoublePaul, Ditherbox, BuildATPDF, NodeDither, StudioTan, DitherMeTimbers, DitherMeDiskers, RawTimbers, RawGlitters, NaturalizeDither, HighGlossDither, DitherFloat

Dynamics: Pop2, Pressure5, Dynamics, Pop, DigitalBlack, Logical4, VariMu, ButterComp2, curve, Overheads, Recurve, Pyewacket, BlockParty, SoftGate, Thunder, Compresaturator, DrumSlam, ButterComp, BrassRider, Point, Gatelope, PodcastDeluxe, Podcast, Swell, PurestSquish, Pressure4, Surge, SurgeTide

Effects: GalacticVibe, CloudCoat, Fracture2, Dubly, Pafnuty2, PitchNasty, Trianglizer, ShortBuss, GuitarConditioner, Aura, TremoSquare, Tremolo, GlitchShifter, Gringer, Exciter, Energy2, Energy, Facet, Fracture, PowerSag2, PowerSag, Preponderant, Nikola

Filter: Stonefire, Baxandall2, Pear2, Capacitor2, Pear, ResEQ2, SubTight, CStrip2, Weight, Isolator2, Kalman, Holt2, Holt, ToneSlant, AverMatrix, Average, MackEQ, Hull2, Baxandall, Hull, EQ, Capacitor, Isolator, TapeFat, ResEQ, Lowpass2, Highpass2, Distance2, Distance, Lowpass, Highpass

Lo-Fi: Pockey2, Flutter, CrunchyGrooveWear, GrooveWear, Pockey, DeRez2, BitGlitter, DeRez, ChromeOxide, Cojones, Vibrato, Bite, Deckwrecka, DustBunny

Noise: Noise, Texturize, TexturizeMS, VoiceOfTheStarship, DarkNoise, ElectroHat, Silhouette, TapeDust

Reverb: kCathedral2, kPlateD, kPlateB, kPlateA, kPlateC, Verbity2, Galactic, Galactic2, sVerbity, Chamber2, Chamber, Infinity2, NonlinearSpace, kCathedral, Infinity, MatrixVerb, PocketVerbs, Reverb

Saturation: Creature, Huge, NCSeventeen, Tube2, Tube, Spiral2, PurestDrive, Focus, Mojo, Dyno, Spiral, UnBox, Desk4, Righteous4

Stereo: Srsly, Srsly2, Wider, StereoFX, ToVinyl4, AutoPan, LRFlipTimer, MSFlipTimer, Sidepass, SideDull

Subtlety: Hype, Shape, Inflamer, Sweeten, PurestWarm2, PurestWarm, Coils2, Interstage, PhaseNudge, Remap, SingleEndedTriode, Coils, Desk, TransDesk, TubeDesk

Tape: ToTape6, FromTape, Tape, IronOxideClassic2, IronOxide5, ToTape5, IronOxideClassic

Tone Color: BussColors4, Channel9, Apicolypse, Neverland, Elation, Calibre, Cider, Crystal, Precious, Luxor, Channel8, Channel7, Channel6, Channel5, Channel4

Utility: Monitoring3, Monitoring2, Monitoring, BitShiftPan, BitShiftGain, PurestGain, PurestFade, EveryTrim, HermeTrim, SlewOnly, SubsOnly, PeaksOnly, Golem, DCVoltage, EdIsDim, MidSide, uLawEncode, uLawDecode, RightoMono, LeftoMono, Balanced, Flipity, MoNoam, VoiceTrick, ContentHideD

XYZ Filters: ZBandpass2, ZHighpass2, ZLowpass2, ZNotch2, ZRegion2, ZBandpass, ZHighpass, ZLowpass, ZNotch, ZRegion, YBandpass, YNotBandpass, YHighpass, YNotHighpass, YLowpass, YNotLowpass, YNotch, XBandpass. XHighpass, XLowpass, XNotch, XRegion
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#9032 por Formal_Rupture hace 2 semanas
Actualización de SurgeXT, version 1.3.2
#9033 por Wikter hace 1 semana
Actualización 1.3.14 de los varios plugins del emulador DSP56K Los dos primeros bloque son las actualizaciones comunes, los que estan señalados con cada uno de los instrumentos en desarrollo son independientes para cada uno.

- [Imp] Added warning message if running under Rosetta as performance will be bad
- [Imp] Added 'Panic' menu to send All Notes Off / reboot device
- [Imp] Rename "db" to "dB" in all gain context menus (mkruselj)
- [Imp] Column breaks for dropdown menu based parameters improved (mkruselj)
- [Imp] Selecting the same skin again reloads it, useful for skin developers (mkruselj)
- [Fix] Do not crash if a skin cannot be loaded

Patch Manager:
- [Imp] Added context menu setting to hide duplicates by name
- [Imp] Added options to add/remove patches to/from tags, categories & favourites via context menu
- [Imp] "Save" buttons now have more options: Allow to save to any existing user bank or create a new one automatically if there is none yet
- [Fix] Name of user bank not displayed in patch information panel
- [Fix] Fix possible crash when loading cache
- [Fix] List ordering incorrect when being loaded from cache
- [Fix] Tags/Favourites got lost in some circumstances
- [Fix] Typo "Deleted Selected" in patch context menu (mkruselj)

- [Imp] Added support for Virus Rack and Rack XL OS via .mid file
- [Imp] Allow to select global midi channel via context menu if not in Multi Mode
- [Imp] Adjusted default Master Volume to 92 to match the TI hardware in USB mode
- [Fix] Older Virus B firmware 4.58 failed to load
- [Fix] Patch Manager: Factory presets were not refreshed when ROM is switched
- [Fix] Plugin may crash if a patch data source folder contains files not belonging to presets

- [Imp] Allow to select global midi channel via context menu if not in Multi Mode
- [Imp] Modulation Destinations are now sorted
- [Fix] Removed Tone knob for Curry & Chili overdrive modes as it doesn't have any effect
- [Fix] Oscillator 2 Interpolation & Local Detune knobs were swapped
- [Fix] Removed delay mode parameter from tape delays
- [Fix] Midi Controller 40 displayed Vocoder Carrier Center Frequency instead of Cutoff in LCD
- [Fix] LCD text was not properly vertically centered

- [Imp] Update default/reset values for various parameters (mkruselj)
- [Imp] Adjust naming of various labels (mkruselj)
- [Fix] MC68331 thread was not set to high priority
- [Fix] Invalid sysex messages sent to plugin midi output
- [Fix] Modulation Slot amounts didn't reset to center on double click
- [Fix] Remove unused "Factory" category from patch manager as Vavra doesn't contain any factory presets

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