Sneak Preview - A Revolution is Coming N.I.

#1 por undercore el 26/02/2013

¿qué será será...whatever will be será? :comer: :comer: :comer:
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#2 por Nox el 27/02/2013
Algo para reaktor es, se ven imágenes del nivel core. También se pueden leer varias de las etiquetas de los knobs: cutoff, modulator, exp; amén de los gráficos y demás... otro sinte para reaktor/reaktor player (otro VA sustractivo, me temo, pero a saber) y lo de revolution es puro hype.

También se habla de ello en los foros de NI:

#3 por Nox el 03/04/2013
En un post del foro de NI han puesto una comparativa entre el monark y "el sinte que pretende emular" :desdentado: , son patches iguales grabados de ambos sintes, primero el sinte hard y después el monark.
Quoteo el post original con los links al audio en wav y al soundcloud en mp3, pa quien le pueda interesar:

Alguien escribió:

the developers of Monark would like to give you a comparison between Monark and the specific
"famous device from the 70s it was modelled after". For that we've prepared an audiofile.

The audiofile contains various phrases covering a wide range of sounds (basically a final checklist for us).
You first hear the modeled device and then the same phrase remade with Monark.(Excuse the rather sloppy playing)Remember, this is no beauty/music contest, it just shows you the raw and real quality of both devices in normal and also rather extreme settings(One goal of this project was to have our clone work in ALL settings)

The knobs in Monark were scaled to match our hardware very closely
and in most cases you immediately get a very good match.

Still setting up a single sound for A/B comparisons is a time consuming
and annoying process so for the sake of sanity during this A/B
comparison we allowed for "some" deviation
This not an excuse but a fact! (We lost most of our sanity during
cloning, anyway...

the links:

(original recordings made directly into a RME Fireface UC at 88.2 Khz.
No other gear used)

Or the converted mp3 file at soundcloud:


the developers of Monark
Just a personal remark.For those who are looking for more "jazzy", classic type demos, i recommend looking at the very nice audio examples i found here...


mike daliot
#4 por undercore el 03/04/2013
pues no los enlaces no llevan a nada, les habrán troleado :lol:
#5 por Nox el 03/04/2013
Debió ser al quotear :P , ahora no me deja editar, pongo los links.

Aquí el del mp3 en soundcloud:
Y el wav a 88Khz:
#6 por undercore el 03/04/2013
flipa, es casi calcado
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