Sx o sl? en q se diferencian?

#1 por blackblock el 07/05/2004
quiero comprar el cubase pero no tengo muy clara la version a comprar.

les pongo en mi situacion.....
hago musica electronica y utilizo muchos instrumentos virtuales,osea q mucho midi. no tiro mucho de pistas de audio y me han dicho q solo se diferencian en q el cubase sl le han recortado las pistas de audio y alguna cosilla mas pero q no lo notaria,
q me dicen?
gracias :twisted:
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#2 por Lagar el 07/05/2004
Que si tienes dinero suficiente vayas a por SX.

Yo con SL no he trabajado, pero entre otras cosas te diría que la nueva actualización, la 2.2 va a traer un par de instrumentos virtuales que tienen muy buena pinta, y que al parecer no estarán disponibles para los usuarios de SL.

Además, el manual que te dan con el programa se supone que es el mismo para SL y SX, pero el mío está repleto de avisos tipo "funciones sólo para SX".

#3 por Sordoloco el 16/05/2004
Yo también estoy muy interesado en saber las diferencias y, la verdad, no me vale con la respuesta de Lagar.

Alguien sabe, -no todas- pero fundamentalmente las limitaciones de SL frente a SX?

y que hay de SE? (Venden un "Studio Case" con varios plugins+SE que por el precio podría o pudiese estar muy bien no?

Estirate Lagar... que no nos vale con eso! :P
Jorge Ruiz
#4 por Jorge Ruiz el 17/05/2004
Differences between Cubase SX and Cubase SL:
- Adaptive and graphically configurable mixer: Cubase SX's mixer can be extended up to reveal inserts, sends and EQ's for each channel. This feature is not available in Cubase SL.
- Cubase SL does not support Surround Sound.
- Cubase SL includes 5 inserts per channel, Cubase SX has 8.
- Cubase SL includes 16 VST Instrument slots, Cubase SX has 32.
- Cubase SL does not include the SPL DeEsser PlugIn
- Cubase SL features the 'Touch Fader' automation mode, Cubase SX adds 'X-Over' and 'Autolatch' modes.
- Cubase SL includes the Apogee UV22 Dither PlugIn, Cubase SX includes Apogee UV22-HR.
- Cubase SL does not include TrueTape audio recording.
- Cubase SL includes the offline process history for audio processes, not PlugIns.
- Cubase SL does not include Spectral Analysis and Statistics functions for analyzing audio.
- Cubase SL does not include the MPEX algorithm for time stretching
- MP3 encoding is not included in Cubase SL, however it can be purchased as an add-on.
- Cubase SL includes basic notation functionality, not the professional level scoring that's included in Cubase SX.
- Cubase SL does not include 32 bit recording. Only 16 and 24.
#5 por Lagar el 18/05/2004
Sordoloco escribió:
Estirate Lagar... que no nos vale con eso!
Vaaaale, va. Sólo añadir a lo expuesto por Sahul algunas cosillas del manual, jeje:

- By using offline processing (Cubase SX only), you can apply effects directly to individual audio events – this is described on page 344.

- In the Cubase SX mixer, busses are represented by input and output
channels (shown in separate panes to the left and right in the window).
In Cubase SL, only the output busses are visible in the mixer!

- the Jog/Shuttle control is available in Cubase SX only.

- The nudge position buttons (Cubase SX only) Each time you click a nudge button, the project cursor is moved by one frame.

- Wave 64 File (Cubase SX only) Wave64 is a proprietary format developed by Sonic Foundry Inc. Audiowise it is identical to the Wave format, but the internal file structure makes much larger file sizes possible.

- Selecting a folder for the recorded audio files (Cubase SX only)

- Recording with effects (Cubase SX only) Cubase SX also allows you to add effects (and/or EQ) directly while you are recording. This is done by adding insert effects and/or making EQ settings for the input channel in the mixer.

- Ruler (SX only) Ruler tracks contain additional rulers, displaying the timeline from left to right. In Cubase SX you can use any number of ruler tracks, each with a different display format if you wish.

- Dividing the Track list (Cubase SX only) It is possible to divide the Track list into two parts. Both sections will have independent zoom and scroll controls (if needed)

- As an alternative to dragging the fade handles, you can use the items
“Fade In to Cursor” and “Fade Out to Cursor” on the Audio menu to create
fades (Cubase SX only).

- Cubase SX only: You can specify the length of the crossfade using
the Range Selection tool: make a selection range covering the desired
crossfade area and use the Crossfade command.

- Input Gain control (Cubase SX only) Each audio channel and input/output channel features an Input Gain control. This controls the gain for the incoming signal, before EQ and effects.

- Input Phase switch (Cubase SX only) Each audio channel and input/output channel has an Input Phase switch, to the left of the Input Gain control dial. When activated, the phase polarity is inverted for the signal. Use this to correct for balanced lines and mics that are wired backwards, or mics that are “out of phase” due to their positioning.

- three pan modes (Cubase SX only): Stereo Balance Panner controls the balance between the left and right channels, Stereo Dual Panner allows you set pan independently for the left and right channels, Stereo Combined Panner mode also allows you set pan independently for the
left and right channels by holding down [Alt] when you release the
[Alt] key, the left and right pan controls are linked.

Y así mil cosas más. :wink:

marioraja Baneado
#6 por marioraja el 26/05/2004
La diferencia es que el sx, además de servir para producción musical, sirve para trabajos de pos-producción de audio; sl se limita más bien al tema de producción musical.

Esto significa el soporte de sx para el formato dolby digital y dts, implicando ya a la monitorización en 5.1, 6.1, etc...

Al menos eso es lo que he aprendido en mis clases de producción on-line.
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