Diferencias entre vistas

#1 por BRP el 06/12/2010

me gustaría saber cuales son las principales diferencias entre la vista arrangement y session del programa. ¿Son complementarias?, ¿Se puede editar en una y otra y secuenciarlas a la vez?.


Un saludo.
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Carlos R mod
#2 por Carlos R el 06/12/2010
Si, son complementarias, puedes ir disparando y automatizando en la vista session, y luego editar en el arrangement.
#3 por BRP el 07/12/2010
¿Cómo?, ¿Podrías poner algún ejemplo?.
Jorge G.
#4 por Jorge G. el 07/12/2010
encontrarias muchisima info si buscases un poco antes de preguntar, aqui te pongo un link donde hablan de eso y lo explican genial


Alguien escribió:
Each track shows up in both Session and Arrangement views. However, the clips in Session view are always different from the clips in the Arrangement view, even if they contain the same information.

So, for example, if you are in Session view, and you drag a .wav file into an audio track, you have just created a clip that lives in Session view. If you switch to Arrangement view, that clip is not there, because the clips in Session view are different from the clips in Arrangement view. Similarly, if you are in Arrangement view, and you drag a .wav file into an audio track, that clip is not in Session view, for the same reason.

Every track can play at most one clip at any time. So if a track is playing a clip in Session view, it cannot be playing any of the clips in Arrangement view, or vice versa. This fact implies that if you launch a clip in Session view, then switch to Arrangement view, that clip will not be there.

There are two exceptions to this rule. Well, they're not really exceptions, but they kind of look at first like they are.

1) You can drag a clip from the Arrangement to the Session view, and vice versa. You do this by dragging the clip on top of the button in the upper right corner of Live's window that corresponds to whatever view you're not in now. Doing that switches view, and you can now drag the clip to wherever you want it. This is not an exception to the rule because dragging the clip copies it, thereby creating a new clip. The original clip is still where it always was, and the rule is not violated. If you want to move a clip between Session and Arrangement, you should copy it and then delete the original at your convenience.

2) If you are playing a clip or clips in Session view, and the global record button (the one at the top of the Live window near the center with the circle in the middle) is enabled (red), then whatever is being played in any track that is armed for recording gets copied into the Arrangement, creating a new clip for each such track.

Because each track can play only one clip at a time, whenever you launch a clip in Session view, that clip takes over from whatever would be playing in the Arrangement in the corresponding track. By implication, that track is playing something different from what the Arrangement view suggests it should be playing. When this happens, the "Return to Arrangement" button turns red (the button with the three horizontal stripes and the left-pointing arrow) and the corresponding track(s) become gray to show you that what you're seeing is not what's playing. In order to work with that track or tracks in the Arrangement view, you must first click the "Return to Arrangement" button to stop the clips from playing in Session view.

Does this help?
Carlos R mod
#5 por Carlos R el 07/12/2010

Creo que lo que he escrito es un ejemplo... :-k
#6 por BRP el 07/12/2010
Muchas gracias q-ba.
#7 por BRP el 07/12/2010
¿Para qué se utiliza cada una?, ¿Cuál es su función?.
#8 por Pineda el 09/12/2010
pq no lees el manual? tal vez así entenderias mejor...
#9 por BRP el 09/12/2010
Hola Pineda,

ya lo leo. Si no mira el siguiente tema posteado sobre el dither. Lo que pasa que no es suficientemente claro y tengo dudas. Gracias de todas formas por la recomendación.
#10 por Pineda el 12/12/2010
ok.. no habia visto la respuesta...

tratando de explicar esto de la forma mas clara y concisa posible...

la vista de sessión es pensada para tener todos tus clips (que pueden ser pequeños clips de audio o midi, así como tracks completos) visibles y ordenados de forma que los puedas lanzar y manipular en tiempo real... esto es bastante practico para djs y musicos electrónicos.. puesto que así pueden lanzar clips sin mayor dificultad que darle clik en el simbolo de play de cada simbolo... y cuando se lanzan estos automaticamente se cuadran al tempo de la canción...

el sessión view esta pensado para performance... por el otro lado el arrangement view está pensado para hacer que el live funcione como cualquier otro daw lineal...

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