albertodream escribió:Los machacas. Todos los sonidos de fábricas son sobreescribibles, así que si quieres conservar el original guárdalo como una copia: te da esa opción al final del todo de los menús "store a copy".
Si el anterior dueño los ha modificado no estará como viene de fábrica, pero vamos que no te pierdes nada. Yo creo que he modificado o borrado el 90% de los que venían, porque me parecían un churro.
Yo no me acuerdo muy bien, pero creo que actualicé sin problemas el micron en cuanto lo traje a mi casa.
Miraré en el group de yahoo de ion/micron a ver qué encuentro, sobre las actualizaciones.
Las mejoras son:
Alguien escribió:v1.1 Released September, 2005
Longer Patterns and Rhythms – Rhythms and patterns (including phrases) can now be as long as 16 bars.
Expression Pedal Mode – New config param: "ExprPedal: Route" / "to mods only", "to volume & mods". This provides a means to enable/disable the hardwired route from expression pedal to volume.
MIDI Solo Part – New config param: "MIDI: Send part" / "all parts", "part A only", "part B only", etc. If set to "part x only", only part x will send MIDI data, although all parts will receive MIDI. This is useful when recording a multitimbral arrangement with an external sequencer.
New LFO Reset Modes – New reset modes for LFOs and S/H: "legato mono" and "legato poly". These are similar to "key mono" and "key poly" respectively, except instead of resetting on every keypress, they only reset on non-legato keypresses. As long as you play legato, the LFO will not reset.
Unlatch Part – In a setup, hold down a key and press [latch] to latch parts mapped to that key. Hold the key and double-click [latch] to unlatch those parts. The first few times you latch, a message will pop up to remind you of how to unlatch..
One-Handed Phrase Record – To record a phrase, double-click the [phrase] button and start playing. The old method of holding down [phrase] as you start to play still works as well.
"Use As Drum" Controllers – When a setup part is set to "use as: drum x in beat", the part's pw/m1/m2 controller enables are now applied to the overridden drums in the beats. This allows you to affect the sound of a rhythm using the pitch wheel and sliders.
Control Knob Response – The response of the control knob has been improved for large ranges. By turning the knob quickly, it is now easier to scroll through long menus or make large adjustments to highly granular parameters.
Mapping Knobs to FX and Mod Params – FX and mod parameters could not be mapped to the black xyz knobs. Now they can. As with all other parameters, turning the knobs sends MIDI NRPN data which can be recorded and played back.
Negative NRPNs – The MIDI data sent when a knob was turned to negative values could not be received correctly. This has been fixed.
Tempo Memory – The tap tempo setting was not retained when the Micron was turned off. Now it is.
Phrase Key Range – When phrase recording in a setup, all keys played were recorded to the phrase, even keys in other parts. Now, just the keys within the recording part's key range are recorded. This allows you to play on multiple parts as you are recording on one of them.
S/H Startup – The sample-and-hold generator would always start with an output of zero. Now it captures a sample at the start of a voice.
Portamento Legato – For monophonic programs with a long release time, portamento "legato only" mode would always portamento, even if the notes were not played legato. This has been fixed.
VelociUp Mod Source – For monophonic programs with a long release time, the "VelociUp" (key up velocity) mod source would accumulate each time all keys were released. Now, the mod source returns to zero when all keys have been released.
LFO Reset – For monophonic programs, LFOs and S/H in "key mono" or "key poly" reset modes would not reset if the voice was still playing. They now reset on every keypress. However, if you made use of the old behavior, see the new "legato mono" and "legato poly" modes described above.
[store] Light – The [store] button would not light up when changing a pattern or rhythm note's velocity, changing an unquantized note start time, or removing an unquantized note. Now it does.
Envelope Velocity Setting – Changing the envelope 3 velocity param would affect the playing voice's envelope 2
velocity setting. This has been fixed.
Así que sí, os recomiendo encarecidamente que actualicéis, son un huevo de mejoras con respecto a la 1.02.
Y por supuesto, Biko, que cuando vaya para Mallorca caerán esas cervecitas y unas cuantas más