Portada nuevo album de Depeche Mode

#16 por Origami el 16/08/2005
en realidad las portadas de DM...es decir muchas las vemos como míticas ya, pero tampoco es q fueran nada del otro mundo...

la q más me gusta es la del Violator, pero las últimas por ejemplo eran mu sosas.

de todos modos, alguien ha escuchado ya algo del disco? yo no pude escuchar ese Precious q se filtró hace unas semanas...
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#17 por HoRgH el 16/08/2005
a ver...yo tengo el mp3. Si quieres te lo paso :)
#18 por Origami el 16/08/2005
ah pues lo he escuchado ya, no está mal el tema; teniendo en cuenta q en mi opinión lo mejor de DM quedó ya atrás (wilder, wilder...), esto no suena mal, suena añejo (esto no es bueno ni malo, es simplemente q me lo parece así) y el modo de cantar de Gahan de hecho me recuerda más a épocas pasadas q a los últimos álbums, curioso.

he leído q en el álbum hay temas cañeros q suenan casi casi "industrial"...ya veremos...siempre he echado de menos algún tema más al estilo 'Barrel of a Gun', y exciter me decepcionó de lo lindo.
#19 por HoRgH el 16/08/2005
Mas industrial??? mmm habra que oirlo entonces. Hay fecha definitiva para el lanzamiento del disco? es que ando algo perdido
#20 por Origami el 16/08/2005
El álbum sale a la venta el 17 de octubre, los títulos de las canciones son estos:

"A Pain That I'm Used To", "John The Revelator", "Suffer Well", "The Sinner In Me", "Precious", "Macrovision", "I Want It All", "Nothing's Impossible", "Introspectre", "Damaged People", "Lillian" and "The Darkest Star"

3 de ellos están compuestos por Gahan, algo inédito en la historia de DM. unas palabras sobre la creación del álbum aquí:

This October, Depeche Mode release their first album since 2001's two million-selling Exciter. "I really felt, before we started this album, that there was unfinished business," says Dave Gahan of their 11th studio album, Playing The Angel. And so it is that the world's foremost subversive electronic pop group have reconvened to, as the singer puts it, "make the best record we can." They just can't shake the disease.

Playing The Angel is an astonishingly fresh, exuberant release from the band who have, over 25 years, sold upwards of 50 million records worldwide and amassed a staggering 38 hit singles in the UK and no fewer than 13 Top 10 albums. And yet they sound like a new group, not one halfway through their third decade together. "Precious", the first single, is quintessential Mode, all cyber pulse and glorious chorus. "The Sinner In Me" perfectly balances the organic and synthetic, and climaxes, as do most of the tracks, with staccato blasts of noise and FX. On "Suffer Well" Dave's voice is more powerful than ever. "Macrovision", sung by Martin Gore, is hi-tech pop with an enormous hook. "John The Revelator" is one of many potential hit singles. "I Want It All" is one of the slower tracks with its minor-key menace, like trip hop from hell. "A Pain That I'm Used To" kicks off what would have been Side 2 in fine, furious style with its savage bursts of guitar.

The title for the album was taken, according to Fletch, from the lyric of a track called "The Darkest Star". The LP was recorded in Santa Barbara, New York and London. Recording began in January 2005 in California, with producer Ben Hillier at the helm providing a sense of challenge. "You have to work hard at reinventing yourself," admits Dave, "so you have to choose new people who push you." Playing The Angel is faster-paced than the last two Mode albums, heightening the sense of urgency and vibrancy. Ben's fondness for analogue synths over digital ones helped shape the sound.

It is also the first Depeche album to feature Dave Gahan credits - three of the tracks ("I Want It All", "Suffer Well" and "Nothing's Impossible") were written by the singer, who was encouraged by the reaction to his debut solo album Paper Monsters (2003). Martin was responsible for the remaining nine tracks. As usual, he was unflinching in his depiction of the dark side of the human condition. In fact, he jokes, the back cover of the LP sleeve may well feature the subtitle: Pain And Suffering In Various Tempos. "Dave said I've made a 25-year career out of one subject. I disagree: it's two!"

When asked what the broad, overarching themes of this record are, Martin smiles: "Anything that appeals to really dysfunctional people." It would be wrong, however, to dismiss Depeche Mode as harvesters of sorrow. "I never see our music as over-dark. There's always an element of hope. And I hope that comes over in the music."

A sense of optimism, of renewed vigour, of pleasure at what they've achieved, can be discerned from Playing The Angel. It's also obvious from the sheer delight Dave, Martin and Andy feel at being back with Depeche Mode, on the eve of the release of a brilliant album and a mammoth, sell-out world tour that confirms the enormity of their global audience.

Dave counts his blessings that he's still actually here to do this. "That we've achieved so much in 25 years, and survived so much... Of all the bands, this is the one I'd have put money on not still being around!" he laughs. "I see ourselves alongside U2 and R.E.M. more than any of the bands we came up with, although really we don't fit in and we never have, and I've come to embrace that - there's no one like Depeche Mode. I might have lost some of my drive in the mid-'90s, but now I've got it back. It's better being in Depeche Mode now than it has been for 15 years."
#21 por Briar el 16/08/2005
Qué bombásticos... Recuerda a esas promociones de Hollywood donde dicen que han hecho (otra vez) la mejor película del mundo mundial...

#22 por Origami el 17/08/2005
es típico...
#23 por Nixforf el 17/08/2005
normal, diría que con este disco se juegan su “rehabilitación”
#24 por 76543210 el 17/08/2005
ArkaNoise escribió:
La mayoría (por no decir todas) las portadas de depeche mode, así como los videoclips, vestuario y demás parafernália periférica (, y últimamente su música) han sido siempre como mucho mediocres, no se a que viene tanto escándalo ahora :?

HOmbre, es muy subjetivo eso. Si tenemos en cuenta que en la última década y pico, las portadas y todo el artwork ha corrido a cargo de Anton Corbijn (U2, Metallica, Travis, Eagle Eye Cherry, Jose Mercé, Nick Cave, Plant&Page, etc...).

El arte es totalmente subjetivo, eso es verdad, pero si el tipo este trabaja para toda esa gente, algo seguro que tiene de bueno.

CHúpame un pié!. :)
#25 por 4duros el 17/08/2005
aquí Depeche Mode es como el Olimpo, verdad?

A mi la portada me parece original. No es que sea una genialidad pero seguro que cumple su propósito: la reconocerán en la tienda.
Juan Bauti (aka Skinny)
#26 por Juan Bauti (aka Skinny) el 17/08/2005

Qué ganas tengo de oirlo. el single me parece bastante bueno (aunque ¿qué primer single no lo suele ser?).

La portada ya he dicho que no me gusta, pero es menos mala que las últimas. y si, la mejor es la de Violator (curioso, justo el mejor disco del grupo, para mi).
#27 por PSGirl-Suburbia el 17/08/2005
A mí también me gusta mucho la de Violator, y también es mi disco favorito de Depeche Mode.
Yo escuché la "filtración" del nuevo single y me gustó. Opino justo igual que Origami. Me parece que hasta la forma de cantar es como la de los mejores trabajos de Depeche. Espero ansiosa el momento de poder ver el disco en las tiendas.
#28 por Nixforf el 17/08/2005
Qué tipo de música diríais que hacen, al ver por primera vez esta portada?

Imagen no disponible
#29 por MGD el 17/08/2005
Pues asi de sopetón, la portada me parecia un gato atropellado :?
#30 por katakraos el 17/08/2005
pop andrógino :P
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