Si alguien no controla inglés que me lo diga...
On 08/03/2017 I just released the RADIASLibrarianv2.
The previous version of the librarian is no longer available.
My librarian
- has written in JAVA, so it's platform independent (only JRE7 or above is necessary although I can't tested on OSx);
- has no menu but tabbed panes for the more quickly workflow;
- can read/write the original RADIAS Editor’s .rdl files;
- can export programs as individual rdp files to a selected directory;
- can import/convert programs from R3 editor's r3l files;
- can import/convert programs from MS2000 and microKORG syx files (even individual or bank syx file);
- can import/convert programs from microKORGXL's mkxl_all files
- can store more then 256 programs (for example: 5216 programs);
- can sort programs by program number, program name, programmer name or comment;
- can set the program category, programmer name and comment on multiple programs;
- now all tables is has a filter field for the quick search in the programs;
- has Features for Sound Design Work:
-- can randomize a selected timbre's synthesizer parameters by 15 groups (individuals and both for OSC, Filter, LFO);
-- can randomize a selected timbre's MODSEQ1~3 parameters;
-- can combine timbres (with assigned ARP/SEQ settings) from any of programs in library in to a new program (even no RADIAS is used for this);
- later on free/donationware for the RADIAS users