La tecnología detrás de estos plugins es la misma que Nebula. AA está sampleado equipos analógicos y consiguen la distorsión harmónica y respuesta en fase de los equipos originales. Los equalizadores tienen 0 aliasing. El resultado es real y, en mi opinión, significa un cambio de juego
Os dejo una lista no oficial de los equipos sampleado a hasta ahora.
Acqua Plug-ins Master List (credit to doom64)
Numbers in parenthesis indicate their Core engine version. For those Acqua’s without version numbers, assume Core6 or below.
Amber (7) - Avalon AD2055 equalizer
Amethyst (X) - EQ A - Custom Amek DIY EQ, EQ B Amek 9098r + Amek 9098 compressor + Amek 2500 & 9098 preamp options. Rupert Neve designed gear. 9098 has a smooth RND - 33609'ish flavor. * Youtube overview @
Aquamarine (

Blue - Chandler Germanium Tone Control
Cobalt (X) - First Dynamic EQ, designed and built tube hardware by Luca Martegani. 5 Preamps, LM 9736 equalizer (inspired by the classic Pultec EQP-1a), LM 9804 Compressor (inspired by the Altec Lansing Feedback Compressor) and Dynamic equalizer (Cobalt, Violet & Mantis). Youtube overview @
Coral (9) - A hybrid mastering strip featuring an elliptical filter, transparent equalizer and a soft clipping compressor. SPL Iron mastering compressor and SPL PQ mastering equalizer inspired.
Diamond (9 with Ultramatch & Ultrasync) - Endorsed by Luca Pretolesi. Based on a CharterOak PEQ-1 and some other hardware.
* Youtube overview @
Emerald (7) - Custom built hardware, loosely inspired by the Klein & Hummel UE 1000 equalizer. The curves practically have the same unique slope as the UE-1000, but the center frequencies are different and the active part of the circuit is more modern/cleaner
Ebony (X) - Elektromesstecknik (EMT) 140 Plate Reverb.
-D473 = Neumann U473 or U473a compressor.
• E111 equalizer: EMT 111 console EQ
• E411 equalizer: EMT 411 console EQ
• E82 equalizer: Eela broadcast 82 console EQ
• D112: EMT 111 console compressor (emulation of the compressor module included in a rare mixing console built in ‘70 by German company. The original design of the desk was simple (in a good way), making it easier to maintain / modify.)
• D277: EMT compressor/limiter 277 (a rare compressor, fairly transparent sound of many ‘70s and early ‘80s records.It’scharacterized by a good line preamp inside.)
• D473: Neumann U473 or U473a compressor.
• D82: Eela broadcast 82 console EQ (Compressor module emulation of a rare/vintage Dutch “heavy duty” mixing desk.Thecompany founded in 1975 is recognized as one of the companies who has been dedicated to developing, manufacturing and supplying professional audio products to the Radio Broadcast Industry.)
• Filters E118 are recreated and modeled after EMT filters 118
• Preamps: E111, E411, D112, D277, D82/S (stereo), D473/S
Gold (X) - 4 Neve equalizers (1066, 33122, a homebrew DIY 1073 clone and an EMI-Neve 1093 which is a 1081 with Marinair transformers) and 2 Neve compressors (2252 and 2254). Neve console inputs/outputs. Plus a variety of tube preamps. 1960s era hardware.
*Youtube overview @
Green (7)- George Massenburg Labs Model 8200 equalizer aka GML8200
Honey (7) - 1970s era Harrison 32C equalizer + Harrison console preamp
Ivory IAE-2 (7) - Maselec MEA-2 equalizer
Lime (9 with Ultrasync/match) - A combination of modern AMS Neve gear. A = VR B = 88RS. C/D = 8051 5.1 Surround Compressor/Limiter, E = FJ V Series Channel Strip Preamp, F is a Neve 1073.
Magenta (7) - Manley Labs Massive Passive equalizer
Navy (7) - 2000s era Neve 1073 reissue preamp. Neve 1081 EQ reissue circuit. Unknown Neve console line outputs.
Ochre - Free Acustica Audio homebrew equalizer, inspired by the Scientific Audio Electronics (SAE) 2800 equalizer.
Orange - Orban 672A
Pearl (9 with Ultramatch/sync)- Siemens ELA 75-15 Universal Equalizer and Auso-Siemens ELA 75-16 Compressor/Limiter. Just like the hardware, sales for this plugin are limited. The closest plugin to this that is for sale without limitation is the Emerald, as this was Siemens' response to the UE100/UE1000 mastering equalizers.
Pink (

Pink 2412 and 7236 (

Purple P-1 (

Purple M-5 (

Red - Free plugin. Joemeek VC5 Meequalizer
Sand (9 with Ultrasync) - Solid State Logic 4000 G+, (A - black knob)/5000 (B - brown knob) equalizer + SSL G Master Buss compressors (2 flavors)
Scarlet MHE-400 (

Tan (

Titanium (9 with Ultramatch)- Tube-Tech SMC 2B Multiband Compressor
Ultramarine (9) - Fairchild 670
Versatile - A hybrid between Amber and Green
Violet - Thermonic Culture Phoenix Mastering Compressor
White (