Estudio libre en GNU/Linux

#16 por oxiroxt el 15/01/2008
Secuenciador de audio (y midi en camino):

Ardour is a digital audio workstation. You can use it to record, edit and mix multi-track audio. You can produce your own CDs, mix video soundtracks, or just experiment with new ideas about music and sound.

Ardour capabilities include: multichannel recording, non-destructive editing with unlimited undo/redo, full automation support, a powerful mixer, unlimited tracks/busses/plugins, timecode synchronization, and hardware control from surfaces like the Mackie Control Universal. If you've been looking for a tool similar to ProTools, Nuendo, Pyramix, or Sequoia, you might have found it.

Above all, Ardour strives to meet the needs of professional users. This means implementing all the "hard stuff" that other DAWs ( even some leading commercial apps ) handle incorrectly or not at all. Ardour has a completely flexible "anything to anywhere" routing system, and will allow as many physical I/O ports as your system allows. Ardour supports a wide range of audio-for-video features such as video-synced playback and pullup/pulldown sample rates. You will also find powerful features such as "persistent undo", multi-language support, and destructive track punching modes that aren't available on other platforms.

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Tradicionalmente un secuenciador de audio solamente, usado sobre todo para mezcla y masterización; pero según cuentan, el midi está en camino y ya se puede probar instalando la versión svn.

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#17 por oxiroxt el 15/01/2008
¡Cómo no! QJackCTL
Es un front-end para el servidor de sonido de baja latencia de linux: jack
Si eres nuevo en el mundillo, lo primero que necesitarás es esto para hacer funcionar las demás aplicaciones con una latencia decente.

QjackCtl is a simple Qt application to control the JACK sound server daemon, specific for the Linux Audio Desktop infrastructure.

Written in C++ around the Qt4 toolkit for X11, most exclusively using Qt Designer.

Provides a simple GUI dialog for setting several JACK daemon parameters, which are properly saved between sessions, and a way control of the status of the audio server daemon. With time, this primordial interface has become richer by including a enhanced patchbay and connection control features.


#18 por oxiroxt el 15/01/2008
Un secuenciador (Muse):

Puntos positivos:Puntos negativos:Mi impresión es que no es tan completo como Rosegarden ni su interfaz tan intuitiva.

MusE is a MIDI/Audio sequencer with recording and editing capabilities written by Werner Schweer. MusE aims to be a complete multitrack virtual studio for Linux, it is published under the GNU General Public License. MusE has among other things support for:

* Midi sequencing
o Record/Playback/Import
o Input filter
* Audio sequencing
o Record/Playback several mono/stereo inputs/outputs.
o AudioGroups
o Perform audio effects like chorus/flanger in realtime!
* Jack - jack-audio-connection-kit
o Use the jack for midi/audio routing.
o Internal Audio Routing Interface
* ALSA - based on the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture

You can use several soundcards to access external midi devices and record/playback them with MusE.


#19 por oxiroxt el 15/01/2008
Sistema de organización de sesiones (LASH):
¿Qué es lo más bonito de jack?: Que nos permite conectar cualquier salida de cualquier aplicación cliente de jack a cualquier entrada de cualquier aplicacion cliente de jack. La reostia en vinagreta, vamos...
¿Qué es lo más feo de todo esto?: Para cada tema tenemos que guardar las configuraciones de cada aplicación conectada(como es lógico) y además guardar el estado de las conexiones en QJackCTL(gracias a dios nos permite hacer esto). Esto de por sí ya resulta bastante engorroso, pero es que además, cada vez que quieras volver a toquetear un tema que tenías guardado, tendrás que acordarte de QUÉ aplicaciones habías utilizado... Imagínate que quieres retomar el tema ese que dejaste sin acabar hace un mes...: la liada padre.
La solución a todo esto: LASH

LASH is a session management system for JACK and ALSA audio applications on GNU/Linux. It is an implementation of a proposal that originated from this discussion. Its aim is to allow you to have many different audio programs running at once, to save their setup, close them down and then easily reload the setup at some other time. LASH doesn't deal with any kind of audio data itself; it just runs programs, deals with saving/loading (arbitrary) data and connects different kinds of virtual audio ports together (currently JACK and ALSA sequencer ports). It can also be used to move entire sessions between computers, or post sessions on the Internet for download.

La gran pega de LASH:
Para que LASH funcione, las aplicaciones han de ser clientes de LASH. Esto significa que si los desarrolladores de una aplicación en cuestión no han implementado LASH, no podremos guardar los datos relativos a esa aplicación.
Actualmente hay pocas aplicaciones que lo soporten. Veremos en que deriva todo esto...

#20 por oxiroxt el 15/01/2008
El WinAmp de GNU/Linux (Audacious):
El proyecto XMMS está abandonado. Usaba GTK1.
Audacious está en pleno desarrollo y usa GTK2.
No dan una descripción muy buena de lo que es. Pero bueno, con deciros lo que os he dicho, ya sabemos todos lo que es :)

What is Audacious?

Audacious is a fork of beep-media-player This means that Audacious is not a fork of XMMS (it seems to be assumed that BMP classic == XMMS, that's not true either), but a continuation of a previous fork of XMMS.

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#21 por oxiroxt el 15/01/2008
Sintetizador modular, en plan Audiomulch, Buzz...:

gAlan is an audio-processing tool (both on-line and off-line) for X windows and Win32. It allows you to build synthesisers, effects chains, mixers, sequencers, drum-machines etc. etc. in a modular fashion by linking together icons representing primitive audio-processing components.


#22 por oxiroxt el 15/01/2008

JAMin is the JACK Audio Connection Kit (JACK) Audio Mastering interface. JAMin is an open source application designed to perform professional audio mastering of stereo input streams. It uses LADSPA for digital signal processing (DSP). JAMin is licensed under the GPL.

JAMin features:

* Linear filters
* 30 band graphic EQ
* 1023 band hand drawn EQ with parametric controls
* Spectrum analyser
* 3 band peak compressor
* Lookahead brickwall limiter
* Multiband stereo processing
* Presets and scenes
* Loudness maximiser


#23 por oxiroxt el 15/01/2008
Sinte modular:

aRts builder is a powerful modular synthesizer for KDE. It simulates a complete "modular analog synthesizer" on your computer. Create sounds and music using small modules like oscillators for creating waveforms, various filters, modules for playing data on your speakers, mixers, faders,...

You can build your complete setup with the GUI of the system, using the modules – generators, effects and output – connected to each other.


* it uses MCOP, the Multimedia Communication Protocol, multimedia applications can be network transparent, authenticated for security, and cross-platform using interfaces defined in a language-independent way using IDL
* new synthesis modules can easily be written and integrated in the aRts system
* multiple sound applications to transparently share access to sound hardware

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Funciona con el servidor de sonido aRts.

#24 por oxiroxt el 15/01/2008
Sinte modular:

Ingen is a modular audio processing system for GNU/Linux audio systems using the Jack audio server and LV2, LADSPA or DSSI plugins.

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De momento no hay releases; hay que descargar por svn.

#25 por oxiroxt el 15/01/2008
Sinte modular:

AlsaModularSynth is a realtime modular synthesizer and effect processor. It features

* MIDI controlled modular software synthesis
* Realtime effect processing with capture from e.g. "Line In" or "Mic In".
* Full control of all synthesis and effect parameters via MIDI.
* Integrated LADSPA Browser with search capability
* JACK Support


#26 por oxiroxt el 15/01/2008

Wired is a professional music production and creation free software running on the Linux operating system.

It brings musicians a complete studio environment to compose, record, edit and mix music without the need of expensive hardware.

Wired supports unlimited Audio/Midi tracks playback and recording, and introduces a Plugin system for instruments and effects. It handles live instruments (through sound card analog or midi inputs), virtual instruments and sound effects. It manages the most used plug-in types (LADSPA, DSSI). It is composed of racks, a sequencer and a mixer. Its intuitive graphical interface is user-friendly for amateurs whereas its abilities cover every needs of a semi-professional public.


#27 por oxiroxt el 15/01/2008
Mh... Vaya, vaya... ¿habiendo esto: para qué necesitamos este hilo?
#28 por mider el 17/01/2008
Uno de los mejores post del foro de linux.

Ismael Valladolid Torres
#29 por Ismael Valladolid Torres el 18/01/2008
mider escribió:
Uno de los mejores post del foro de linux.

Prometo pasarlo a post-it en cuanto que aprenda cómo se hace en el nuevo sistema de foros...
#30 por franci el 20/01/2008
Ardour: un secuenciador, mezlador y grabador multipista de audio
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