Artinoise Re.corder ¿controlador de flauta dulce?

Klaus Mari Kong
#1 por Klaus Mari Kong el 22/11/2021
En las ofertas de Thomann de este Black Friday me he encontrado con este cacharrete. Es básicamente una flauta dulce midi inalámbrica... por 125€ no creo que se le pueda pedir mucho. Pero como controlador de viento parece tener cierto potencial.

Viene con una app de aprendizaje y por lo que parece se puede usar con cualquier DAW o plugin.

Cuanto menos curioso. La única alternativa que se me ocurre es el Roland Aerophone mini pero es bastante más caro.
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Soyuz mod
#2 por Soyuz el 22/11/2021
Yo también le tengo echado el ojo bien de cerca... ha sido una sorpresa la verdad.
#3 por Alexmx03 el 23/11/2021
Yo lo vi el otro día tambien, a mi me interesaría como controlador MIDI, pero no he visto tampoco ningun video donde muestre que tal funciona en ese modo... Al EWI le tengo ganas desde hace bastante tiempo.
Klaus Mari Kong
#4 por Klaus Mari Kong el 23/11/2021
Alexmx03 escribió:
a mi me interesaría como controlador MIDI, pero no he visto tampoco ningun video donde muestre que tal funciona en ese modo

Alguien escribió:
You can also connect it to any app compatible with the MIDI protocol: from the educational ones to the more complex ones of music creation and production such as DAW (digital audio workstation), sound libraries, loopers, and other MIDI instruments.[/u]

Alguien escribió:
How do I connect re.corder on Mac Os to use it with a DAW?

To connect re.corder on MacOs follow the steps below or watch this video tutorial

Step 1 – Enable Bluetooth

Step 2 – Open “Audio Midi Setup”

Step 3 – Window -> select “Show MIDI Studio”

Step 4 – Click “Bluetooth” button

Step 5 – A list of bluetooth devices to choose from is shown. Select re.corder. You’re ready to go! Now you can use re.corder as midi instrument with your favourite DAW (Garageband, Logic, Cubase, Ableton, FL Studio etc.)

Read this step by step guide with pics in the re.corder Community

Alguien escribió:
How do I connect re.corder on Windows 10 to use it with a DAW??

To connect re.corder on Windows 10 follow the steps below or watch this video tutorial

To make it easier, more intuitive and reliable to use re.corder in MIDI mode on Windows 10, we have created the Re.corder Bridge, a simple application that relies on the excellent loopMIDI.
It’s a beta version, so let us know if it works for you and feel free to suggest how it can be improved.

Step 1 . If you don’t already use it, first download loopMIDI on your pc
Install it and create a MIDI port by clicking on the symbol on the left leave the app open.

Step 2. Download the Re.corder Bridge here and install it on your pc.

Step 3. Open the Re.corder Bridge, connect re.corder and keep your finger on the circle button of the recorder when pairing. While playing you should see the note appearing in the UI. At this point you should hear the windows synthesis (Microsoft GS Wavetable synth is selected in the combo at the top).

Step 4. Select the virtual device from the combo

Step 5. Connect the virtual device in your DAW

Troubleshooting: If you still don’t hear any sound after performing the above procedure, check the re.corder connection on loopMIDI, if the “Total Data” value is 0 the connection has not been established correctly. You can try repeating the procedure or you can try using an alternative application to re.corder bridge such as MIDIBerry or Bluetooth LE Explorer.

You can also read this step by step guide with pics in the re.corder Community

Alguien escribió:

Can I connect re.corder to my favourite Synth?

You will need an adapter, unless your synth has Bluetooth MIDI in.
The re.corder connects only through MIDI over BLE which is a wireless MIDI standard and allows for full wireless MIDI compatibility.
Your Synth probably does not read BLE MIDI in but it is likely that your laptop or smartphone will.
Both modern versions of Windows and OSX support it and IOS does as well. Latest versions of Android does connect reliably with BLE midi controllers.

Learn more about this topic by reading the following post on our FB Group
“How to connect your re.corder directly to MIDI instruments (without a computer or smartphone)”

Pinta bien.
Klaus Mari Kong
#5 por Klaus Mari Kong el 01/12/2021
Parece que ya han salido hacks para sacarle más partido al arterfacto.

artinoise re.corder - SUPERCHARGED with the power of MOZAIC
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